About Me

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Hi! Welcome to my humble blog spot. Friendly and fierce, I love creating, taking pictures, meeting new people and blogging. This page is just how I design my world and what I think is beautiful❤ I have been inspired by other bloggers throughout my 16+ years on SL and if I inspire you to create different unique looks then I am glad I could motivate your own creativity. I will answer any questions you may have concerning a blog. If something is not listed and you'd like to know where to get it, you can just leave me a comment or DM me inworld SirenaStar Magic. ❤PLS no notecards❤


Friday, July 19, 2024

*0603* ~Summertime Splendor~🌞


The heat, the beauty of a sun filled day and nature in full bloom. Summer can be a fun-filled season. Get out and enjoy the sunshine, go on nature walks, go to the beach; there is so much to do during the Summer it is a shame to waste it indoors. So, go out there and have fun! Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBody v1.69.6

💙STUDIO EXPOSURE - Claire de Lune Hair

💙RAWR! Darkmoon Elf EvoX Earrings

💙ORSINI Jewel Care Rosalie Choker - Reborn

💙ROSARY - Base Nails Stiletto - Reborn

💙ORSINI Jewel Care Rosalie Bracelet

💙PUNKLIST - Red Vanel Bag

💙[R39] Summer Dress FLWORG - compatible with - GenX (Classic & Curvy)/Kupra/Legacy/Maitreya/Reborn  ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
💙[R39] Summer Heels-Reborn  FLWORG - compatible with - GenX (Classic & Curvy)/Kupra/Legacy/Maitreya/Reborn ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
❤LM to Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/223496

💙MICHAN - Thalia Anklets - Gold [Reborn]💕

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

*0602* ~Back alley Break~


It is time to take a break, collect your thoughts and have a game plan to move forward. Life throws us many curve balls; this can be very stressful, so it is always a good idea to pause and take a breather. The more relaxed your mind is the better you can get ideas. Remember the best love is self-love the rest will come after. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙RAMA.SALON - Jewel Hair

💙**RE** Bound Choker Female

💙RAWR! Galaxy ELF FEMALE EvoX Earrings

💙SINCHI - Cigarette Female [Animated]

💙Hanatsumi ::. Maelys - Fitted mesh outfit with 100 texture HUD for Maitreya/LaraX/Legacy (classic)/GenX (classic & curvy)/Ebody (Reborn &n Waifu)/Kupra (Original) ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
❤LM to mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/32/16/3000

💙LooKatMe - Stockings Fishnet Rae - 20 color texture chsnger HUD - for GenX (Classic)/GenX (Curvy)/Maitreya/Reborn/Legacy/Kupra/Erika 
❤LM to mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/224/248/3000

💙Muho- Sasha - Reborn💕

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Friday, July 5, 2024

*0601* ~Time to call in reinforcements~


Weekend is here and the sales are a go. Time to hit those stores. Call the girls, get your reinforcements and hit the town. Gather the girls and enjoy the day. Treat yourselves, you deserve it. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙DOUX - Nashaly Hairstyle

💙**RE** Bound Choker Female

💙 YsoraL ~ Earrings Dragon:.(LeL Efl)

💙R39] Brooklyn Dress-Reborn - Black - GenX (Classic & Curvy)/Kupra/LaraX/Legacy/Maitreya (Perky)/Reborn & Waifu) 
❤LM to Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/223496

💙[FORMANAILS] NAILS for Reborn - MILA Animated

💙#187# Chic Diamond Phone

💙ChicChica - Coffee to go Classic

💙RAWR! Emery Anklets - eBody Reborn

💙[R39] Enney Heels-Reborn - Black - GenX/Kupra/LaraX/Legacy/Maitreya/Reborn💕

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

*0600* ~It's 5'oclock Somewhere~🍸


It is 5'oclock somewhere. Time to kick off your heels sit back and relax. Enjoy the sanctity of your home after a hard day's work. Pour yourself your favorite liquid and let the stress of the day melt off. Self-care is the best kind-of care there is for it is good for you as well as for others. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙DOUX - Nashaly Hairstyle

💙 YsoraL ~ Earrings Dragon:.(LeL Efl)

💙LookAtMe - Naughty Bandaids BOM - 10 different bandaids - Baked on Mesh - Tintable - Compatible with EvoX heads ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
❤LM to Mainstore: https"//maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/224/248/3000

💙**RealEvil** Bound Choker Female

💙SINCHI - Cigarette & Dry Martini [Holdable]

💙Lexa – Cherry Needle Nails - Compatible with - Ebody Reborn/Legacy/Maitreya/Kupra ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~ **DUBAI EVENT June 20th - July 15th**
❤LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon%20Beach/126/133/22

💙ELEVEN - Olivia Shirt Reborn [8]💕

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

*0599* ~I'm up to no good, I tell ya~😏


Every once in a while, you got to let loose and just enjoy life. Without hurting anyone explore, adventure and see the world, life is but a fleeting moment it would be an awful shame to waste it. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙CAMO - Mahalia Braids (Rigged)

💙 YsoraL ~ Earrings Dragon:.(LeL Efl)

💙**RealEvil** Bound Choker Female

💙SINCHI - Cigarette & Dry Martini [Holdable]

💙Hanatsumi ::. Nezuko - Dress - Fitted mesh outfit with 29 texture HUD - for Maitreya/Legacy (Classic & Perky)/Kalhene (Erika)/Ebody (Reborn)/Kupra (Original) ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
❤LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%20Pleasure/32/16/3000

💙LooKatMe - Boots Stellah - 20 texture changer HUD boots - 20 Textures Garters - 5 mentals - compatible with Maitreya/Legacy/Reborn ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
❤LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/224/248/3000💕

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

*0624*~It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas~🎄🎁

  POST ♡~{624 }~♡ Seasons greetings and Happy Holidays. Time to celebrate, not the glitz and the glamor but the things that money cannot buy...