About Me

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Hi! Welcome to my humble blog spot. Friendly and fierce, I love creating, taking pictures, meeting new people and blogging. This page is just how I design my world and what I think is beautiful❤ I have been inspired by other bloggers throughout my 16+ years on SL and if I inspire you to create different unique looks then I am glad I could motivate your own creativity. I will answer any questions you may have concerning a blog. If something is not listed and you'd like to know where to get it, you can just leave me a comment or DM me inworld SirenaStar Magic. ❤PLS no notecards❤


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

*0616* ~I told him to take his medication, he refused...💉~


You try and try but sometimes no matter how good your intentions are someone will always misinterpret them. Caring for others takes a special kind of person with a humble heart. Kindness is so underrated, we should all be a little kinder to our fellow man, it would make things so much better. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙Lelutka - Billie Head 4.0 

💙Reborn by eBody v1.69.6

💙Angelic - "Carly" Hair

💙RealEvil - Bound Choker Female

💙YsoraL ~~ .: Piercing Collarbone Heart:.(Reborn)

💙Lexa - Cry Eyes - available in 4 different colors and 3 different tear duct colors- for Lelutka EvoX 

💙Lexa - Sad Tears BOM Lelutka EvoX - BLACK 

Lexa - Sad Tear BOM Lelutka EvoX - RED

💙Lexa - Sangrona Needle Nails & - Blood BOM HANDS Reborn/Legacy/Maitreya/Kupra

LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pillola/224/224/21 💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Thursday, October 17, 2024

*0614* ~I'll cast a spell on you~ ✨


Mesmerizing, mysterious and spellbinding; these are all words that describe my passions. Let me cook you up a spell, need some wealth? How about a new love interest? I'm your woman. Stop on by and let me cast a spell on you. Love, Light and blessings always.


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBody v1.69.6

💙DOUX - Eden Hairstyle 

💙RealEvil ~ Bound Choker Female

💙LooKatMe - Joy Top & Skirt - 20 texture changer HUD compatible with Legacy (Perky)/Kupra/Erika/Reborn/Maitreya (Petite)
🧡LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/224/248/3000

💙Hanatsumi ~ Siouxie - Boots & Stockings ~ Fittedmesh boots with 189 texture HUD for Maitreya/LaraX/Legacy (Classic & Bombshell)/GenX (Classic & Curvy)/Ebody (Reborn)/Kupra (Orignal) ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
🧡LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/32/16/3000💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Sunday, October 6, 2024

*0615* ~Winner takes all~💵


Luck be with lady tonight A little luck, some faith and plenty of dreams can make anything happen. Live your life to the fullest and chase your dreams, remember you are your own setback. It is one life we are given, use it wisely. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBody v1.69.6

💙Sante - "Bayonetta" Hairstyle V2

💙ORSINI Jewel Care Cora Choker Reborn

💙ORSINI Jewel Care Cora Earrings

💙ChicChica - Cherrytini

💙[R39] Roshia Dress - GenX (Classic & Curvy)/Kupra/LaraX/Legacy/Maitreya (Classic & Perky)/Prima (Busty)/Reborn (Waifu) ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~ 
LM to Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/223496


🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Friday, October 4, 2024

*0613* ~Edges layed, nails did~


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well I see beauty in the mirror. It is important to have self-love and to want to take care of oneself. One must remember of you do not love yourself how do you expect to love someone else? Treat yourself, you deserve it. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙LeLUTKA Billie Head 4.0 

💙REBORN by eBody v1.69.6

💙DOUX - Aluna Hairstyle

💙Swallow^^ Earrings Pixie Gauged

💙ORSINI Jewel Care LAURE Choker

💙Blume. Coconut Top v2 - Reborn

💙Blume. Coconut Bottom v2 - Reborn 

💙Lexa - Vyse Needle Nails - Kupra/Legacy/Maitreya/Reborn ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~ **DUBAI EVENT** 
🧡LM TO DUBAI: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon%Beach/126/133/22

💙SINCHI - Nail File💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

*0624*~It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas~🎄🎁

  POST ♡~{624 }~♡ Seasons greetings and Happy Holidays. Time to celebrate, not the glitz and the glamor but the things that money cannot buy...