About Me

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Hi! Welcome to my humble blog spot. Friendly and fierce, I love creating, taking pictures, meeting new people and blogging. This page is just how I design my world and what I think is beautiful❤ I have been inspired by other bloggers throughout my 16+ years on SL and if I inspire you to create different unique looks then I am glad I could motivate your own creativity. I will answer any questions you may have concerning a blog. If something is not listed and you'd like to know where to get it, you can just leave me a comment or DM me inworld SirenaStar Magic. ❤PLS no notecards❤


Monday, November 18, 2024

*0619* ~He promised he would never break my heart~💔


Sometimes you give and give but to no avail. Your love is special and should be appreciated. The love you give yourself is the love you should be receiving, unfortunately that is not always the case. The important thing to remember is not to give up on love; there is a deficiency of love in this world, it is the only pure thing left. Love passionately, wildly and wholeheartedly. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙Lelutka - Billie Head 4.0 

💙Reborn by eBody v1.69.6

💙Mnt:// Pattie wig

💙Lexa - Alone Eyes - Lelutka EvoX - 4 looks 

💙Lexa - Fragile Needle Nails - Kupra/Legacy/Maitreya/Reborn **BOTH AVAILABE AT LEVEL EVENT through Nov 24th. ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~ https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEVEL/114/229/4
💙Lexa - Sad Tears BOM Lelutka EvoX
❤LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pillola/224/224/21

💙RealEvil - Bound Choker Female

💙Evoca Bodysuit & Chunky chain - REBORN💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Friday, November 15, 2024

*0618* ~Green with Envy~💚


Always put your best foot forward. Of c0ourse there will be jealousy and envy but you hold your head high and carry on, no one knows the struggle you had to go through to get here. Continue to heal, to grow and to love till your hearts' content. Love, light and blessings always.🔱


💙GENUS MORPH - Head Base Heart - v1.1

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙RAWR! Galaxy ELF FEMALE Earrings

💙RealEvil - Bound Choker Female


💙[R39] Raw Dress - Bomshell/Genx (Classic & Curvy)/Kupra/Larax (& Petite)/Legacy (& Perky)/Maitreya (& Petite)/Reborn (Waifu)/Star ~{{NEW RELEASE}}~
 Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/223496

💙Marchese - Kiara Heels - Ebody💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

Thursday, November 7, 2024

*0617* ~Midnight desires~💋


The temptations of the flesh, passion, fire and sensuality. Do you give in to those desires? They say you only live once, so do what you feel is right, morally, ethically and spiritually. Life is short, enjoy all it has to offer. Love, light and blessings always🔱


💙GENUS MORPH - Head Preset - Margo

💙REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6

💙RealEvil - Bound Choker Female

💙Nuve. Mila Top REBORN Essentials

💙Secrets - Mandala Chest Jewelry - Reborn

💙Hanatsumi - Cordelia - Glove & Gems - Fitted mesh gloves with 50 texture HUD for Maitreya/LaraX/Legacy/GenX/Erika/Reborn/Peach/Khara/Kupra 
❤LM to Mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/32/16/3000

💙LooKatMe - Body Crystal - HUD with 18 textures - compatible with - Maitreya/Hourglass/Legacy/Reborn/Kupra/Freya
🧡LM to  mainstore: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/My%Pleasure/224/248/3000

💙CULT - Asha - Reborn💕

🔱PRIMFEED: https://www.primfeed.com/sirenastar.magic

#SL #secondlife #secondlifeblogger #sllifestyle #slbaddie #secondlifemodel #secondlifeavi #Secondlifestyle #secondlifefashion #secondlifephoto #secondlifepic #secondlifeart #secondlifesexy #secondlifebeauty #Photographersecondlife #slpictureperfect #slperfect #slmodel #slFashion #fashion #mermaid #siren #syriusstar #sirenastarmagic #divinedesigns333

*0632*~Reading is fundamental~📚

POST ♡~{632 }~♡ Enrich the mind and the soul. Reading takes you to different worlds. It helps feed your imagination. The old saying, "k...